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How to Repaint Your Redwood Deck

No matter what you seal a deck with, whether it's a redwood deck or some other type of wood, it will start to show signs of wear as it is exposed to harsh weather and sunlight over long periods of time. Even if most of the old finish has been worn away by the elements, you should always strip a wood surface before you refinish it with paint or stain. Bare wood is always more receptive to fresh paint or stain.

Things You'll Need

  • Pressure washer
  • Exterior wood primer
  • Paint stirrer
  • Paint tray
  • Paint roller
  • Paintbrushes
  • Exterior wood paint
  • Exterior wood sealer
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      Wash your redwood deck with a pressure washer that operates between 1,500 and 2,000 psi. This will clean the deck while stripping away the old paint and the top layer of wood, leaving you with fresh, bare wood to paint.

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      Allow the deck to dry completely. Mix the primer thoroughly with a paint stirrer. Pour the primer in a clean paint tray. Roll wood primer made for exterior surfaces on the deck. Exterior primer is typically oil-based.

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      Use a paintbrush to apply the primer to narrow edges, railings and any other areas you can't reach with the roller. Allow the primer to dry.

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      Mix the paint as directed by the manufacturer -- the paint should be formulated for exterior surfaces. Pour the paint in a clean paint tray. Roll the paint on the deck with a paint roller. As with the primer, use a paintbrush to get into hard-to-reach areas.

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      Allow the paint to dry. If desired, apply a second coat of paint. When the deck is completely dry, apply a wood sealer that is compatible with paint, such as polyurethane. Wood sealers vary by product and manufacturer, so read all labels before using your product.