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How to Install a Brick Wall on a Basement Foundation

Left unadorned, the exterior of a basement foundation creates a lackluster look for your home. Cover the exterior foundation of your basement with brick veneer to create a more appealing look. Brick veneer is a less expensive and easier to work with alternative to full-sized bricks, as they are thinner, making this project easier to tackle for a do-it-yourselfer. With a few tools and some help from a friend or two, you can make your concrete brick foundation look like a brick wall.

Things You'll Need

  • Galvanized mesh
  • Concrete fasteners
  • Mortar
  • Trowel
  • Brick veneer
  • Grout bag
  • Striking tool
  • Hand-held broom
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    • 1

      Attach sheets of 2 1/2-inch galvanized mesh on to the surface of the foundation. Use three-fourths-inch long and three-eighths-inch wide concrete fasteners to secure the mesh to the surface of the concrete.

    • 2

      Apply a coat of mortar over the surface of the mesh with a trowel. Work in 2- to 3-foot sections at a time to prevent the mortar from drying before you are able to set brick onto it.

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      Start at a corner in the foundation. Apply a 1-inch thick layer of mortar onto the back of a brick veneer. Set the brick onto the bottom of the corner, moving it about a bit to create a bond between the mortar on the wall and the mortar on the back of the brick.

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      Continue adding bricks in this fashion, working your way from the bottom to the top of the foundation. Use different sized and shaped bricks and set them in a staggered fashion, with one-half to 1 inch gaps between them to give the facade an authentic look. If you want to cut any bricks, set a chisel on top of the location you want to make your cut and bang a brick hammer on top of it to break the material.

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      Fill a grout bag with mortar. Squeeze the mortar between the gaps in the brick. Allow the mortar to become firm, but not completely dry.

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      Run a striking tool over the surface of the mortar to smooth it out and get it to a depth that you want.

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      Sweep a hand-held broom over the mortar to further smooth it and to wipe away any debris and mortar on the surface of the bricks.