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How to Install Brick Wall Stones

If you want to create a large wall to completely surround your garden area or property, then using small brick stones is probably not going to make much sense. However, if you want a low brick wall that you can use as a decorative element in your landscaping or even as a garden bench, then brick stones can be just the thing you need. The installation process will take just a few hours of your time once the process is complete.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Level
  • Paver base
  • Hand tamper
  • Stone dust
  • Rubber mallet
  • Mason's chisel
  • Hammer
  • Masonry construction adhesive
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    • 1

      Dig out a trench along the width of the wall, removing an extra inch on either side of where the stones will be installed. Continue digging until you reach a 6-inch depth or the depth of the lighter subsoil.

    • 2

      Level the bottom of the trench using a spade and a 4-foot-long level.

    • 3

      Install 3 inches of paver base and compact it with a hand tamper. Continue adding layers of paver base and compacting. Stop adding paver base once the level is the same height as half of one of your brick stones plus an extra inch.

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      Pour 1 inch of stone dust into the trench and level.

    • 5

      Install the first row of brick stones. Make sure they're centered in the width of the trench. Entrench the stones into the stone dust by striking the tops with a rubber mallet. Check to make sure they're all level.

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      Add stone dust all around the first row of stone bricks to even out the trench.

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      Cut a stone brick in half by scoring it all the way around with a mason's chisel and hammer. Then, strike the chisel hard with the hammer to split the stone. Smooth out the cut edges with the claw side of your hammer.

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      Add two beads of masonry construction adhesive on the top of your first row of brick stones.

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      Place one of the halved stones on the end. This will help you stagger the bricks as you install them, reinforcing the wall's construction. Continue adding whole bricks until you get to the end of the row. Then, install the other half brick.

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      Keep adding rows of brick stones until you reach the height you want for your wall. Add a final layer of stone bricks by turning them the opposite way. This creates a decorative cap for the wall.

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      Allow the adhesive to cure for at least one day before putting any pressure or stress on the wall.