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How to Install Carpet Tiles on a Wood Floor

Carpet tiles are a nice alternative to sheets of carpet. They install simply and can be replaced if they get stained or damaged. You can design your floor with one of hundreds of patterns that range from large designs to checkerboard layouts or simply a solid color. Use a low-tack adhesive so the tiles will stay down but still be easy to pull up when necessary. Remove everything from the room so you have a clear work area.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Chalk line
  • Low-tack adhesive
  • Wide paintbrush
  • Utility knife
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      Bring the tiles into the room that you are tiling at least 48 hours before you plan to tile the floor so they have a chance to warm up to room temperature.

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      Measure out chalk lines across the floor by finding the center point of each wall and then snapping a chalk line on the floor.

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      Lay out the tile without applying any adhesive to do a dry run before you actually install the tile. This will give you a chance to see the overall look of the tile and make any changes in the layout if necessary.

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      Spread the low-tack adhesive over the wood floor, using a wide paintbrush. Let it dry for 30 minutes before you start to tile, or as long as the manufacturer's directions instruct.

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      Start at the center of the room and lay the tiles one at a time, butting right up next to each other, working from the center out to the walls. Find the cutting line of the wall tiles by laying them over the last tile but up against the wall. Mark a line with chalk where the tiles cross each other and cut straight through the top tile with a sharp utility knife on a cutting surface. Set the cut tiles in place along the wall.