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Trimming a Satsuma Tangerine Tree

Satsumas and tangerines are two common mandarin trees grown for fruit in the United States. Like all mandarin trees, satsumas and tangerines require little if any pruning to thrive and produce a good harvest. They naturally grow round, attractive canopies. There are, however, a few circumstances whereby pruning may be necessary or is an option to grow a healthier tree that is more productive and easier to harvest.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
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      Cut off limbs that have been damaged by the cold in late winter or early spring. Cut just above a healthy bud or limb with a pair of sharp, clean pruning shears. The limb should produce new growth in the spring from this point.

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      Prune the top of the mandarin tree to reduce its overall height. This step is optional, but it makes harvesting easier and safer. Because trimming the top helps the sunlight reach the center of the tree, fruit production increases in that area. Prune the tree in such a way that it maintains its natural shape. As with all fruit pruning, cut just above a healthy bud or limb.

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      Trim a mandarin tree on the sides to increase sunlight and fruit production in the middle of the tree. This step is usually optional, but it could be necessary to keep a mandarin tree under control in a small space. Simply prune lateral branches 12 to 18 inches while still maintaining the natural shape of the tree.