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Height of Miniature Clementine Tangerine Trees

Known for their loose fruit peels, "Clementine" tangerine trees (Citrus reticulata) offer sweet treats that both adults and children can open quickly. With standard "Clementine" trees reaching 15 feet tall, these hybrid citrus trees are also available in miniature sizes for small gardens or containers. Preferring U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11, "Clementine" tree height depends on its rootstock type and surrounding growing environment.
  1. Average Height Range

    • Miniature "Clementine" tangerine trees range between 3 and 6 feet in height. Smaller statures are often achieved when the tree is container-bound. The roots cannot spread far in search of nutrients and moisture so the tree remains confined to a 3-foot height. If you plant the "Clementine" in the ground, however, the roots have more space to spread both horizontally and vertically. As a result, your miniature tree may reach 6 feet tall in proper growing conditions.

    Rootstock Influence

    • The miniature size is controlled by your tree's rootstock. As you look at the tree's base, a connection point is apparent just above the soil line. Your "Clementine" tree attaches to a rootstock that dictates its eventual size. Different rootstocks are used for dwarf and semi-dwarf growth as well. This size control is based on grafting a desired tree type to a healthy root base -- almost any tree can be miniaturized for container gardening and small yards. However, healthy and vigorous trees only come from reputable growers with grafting experience.

    Small Size Benefits

    • Although miniature "Clementine" trees are hardly taller than a grown adult, the resulting fruit is the same size as a standard tree's harvest. In addition, healthy rootstocks contribute ongoing resistance to pest damage and diseases -- your tree is not as vulnerable to local pathogens compared to a standard tree without a strong rootstock. Your smaller tree is also easier to care for through the years. For example, pruning and harvesting miniature "Clementine" trees does not require a tall ladder for canopy access. If your region receives an unseasonable cold snap, a container-grown "Clementine" is easily moved indoors to prevent frost damage and fruit loss.

    Environmental Influences

    • Growth stunting often occurs if your "Clementine" is not located properly in your landscape. Choose a south-facing area that has shelter from prevailing winds. Full sunlight needs to strike this area on a daily basis for proper growth and fruit development. With well-drained soil, you should water your "Clementine" periodically to prevent drought conditions, especially during blossoming and fruiting periods. Your "Clementine" should reach its full 6-foot size when strategically located in your yard.