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How to Cut Off the Top of a Juniper Tree

The evergreen tree family has many members, including the juniper tree. With regular and careful pruning, a juniper tree should stay healthy and vibrant for years. Although not recommended, you might need to cut off the top of a juniper tree if it interferes with power lines or building structures near the tree. After topping off the central leader of the juniper tree, you will have to train a new leader to avoid excessive growth that could disfigure the tree.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning saw (with extension pole)
  • Lopping shears
  • Stake (6 inches long)
  • Twine
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    • 1

      Cut the central leader of the juniper tree off with the pruning saw to make it the height you require. Make this cut just above an intersection or bud at the top of the tree where two or more lateral branches extend to the side. One of these lateral branches will become the new central leader of the tree.

    • 2

      Choose one of the lateral branches to become the new central leader. Cut this branch off with the lopping shears to make it about 6 to 10 inches long. Pull the lateral branch over to the stub of the central leader and position the lateral branch so it assumes a vertical position instead of a lateral or sideways position.

    • 3

      Place the stake against the central leader stub and the lateral branch and tie the central leader, the lateral branch and the stake together with two or three lengths of twine. This will train the lateral branch as the new central leader.

    • 4

      Prune any other lateral branches around the new central leader to restore the pyramid shape of the tree.

    • 5

      Monitor any new growth that occurs from the topped central leader. If you notice new growth coming from the severed leader, cut it off with the lopping shears. If you allow this growth to continue, the tree will develop an unnatural shape with branches competing to become the strongest central leader of the tree.