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How to Cut the Top Off a Steel Door

You may need to cut the top off a metal door for a number of reasons, including making the door shorter for access to a low-ceiling basement or shed. Whatever the case, cutting the top off the door is not difficult as long as you have the correct tools. The biggest challenge may come afterward if you have to move the door's hinges, depending on how much you cut off the door.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Permanent marker
  • Straightedge
  • Reciprocating saw
  • Steel sandpaper
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    • 1

      Measure the steel door on each side and make the necessary marks with a permanent marker to indicate where you need to cut the door. Make a mark on each side of the door and one or more in the middle if necessary.

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      Place a straightedge across the door then connect the marks you made previously with the permanent marker.

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      Load a metal-cutting blade in a reciprocating saw and lock the blade into position. Though reciprocating saws typically are equipped with universal blades that will cut through a variety of materials, using a blade specifically designed for cutting metal will give you a smoother cut.

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      Cut along the marked line with the reciprocating saw, using a slow and steady motion. Do not push the saw faster than the blade can work; ease it along gradually while making sure you stay on the line.

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      Sand the cut edge of the door with steel sandpaper to remove any metal splinters.