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Spraying Mango Trees With Copper

For the highest productivity and best-tasting fruit, a mango tree must have access to adequate nutrients, including copper. Copper is sprayed directly on the leaves as a supplement to soil nutrients. A copper foliar spray serves multiple roles for a mango tree. It fights certain harmful fungal infections, and it is a vital nutrient that helps the tree grow. Copper fungicidal sprays, when used to fight infection, can serve a double function of fixing copper deficiency.
  1. Copper Nutrient Sprays

    • Mango trees growing in chalky substrates benefit from annual spray applications of copper mixed with zinc, manganese and boron, for the first five years of life. In neutral or acidic soils, it is better to use a copper foliar spray without the other elements, but to incorporate zinc, manganese and boron into the soil. Foliar sprays can be found with various combinations of ingredients from farm and garden centers. Other nutrients that mango trees require are available through ground fertilizers. Identify copper deficiency in mango trees by the appearance of pale leaves, burnt foliage tips and patches of gray-brown on the leaves.

    Copper Fungicidal Spray

    • Many of the important diseases and pests that infect mango trees can be controlled with copper sprays. Copper fungicidal sprays are often formulated as copper hydroxide and can contain as much as 50 percent copper, making them useful as nutrient sprays. Prepare the spray as directed and apply directly to the foliage. Copper sprays prevent the appearance of powdery mildew, anthracnose and alga spot, a parasitic alga. Powdery mildew and anthracnose are fungi that attack young panicles of the tree.


    • Proper timing and method are necessary to ensure that copper sprays work their best. When spraying to prevent anthracnose or other fungi, make thorough and direct coverage on growing, young tissue. Apply sulfur and copper in early spring when the panicle is developing. To prevent fruit infection, apply spray on the fruit throughout its development. Use heavier applications of spray during times of heavy rain. Prepare foliar sprays as directed and spray on all surfaces of susceptible parts.

    Mango Tree Care

    • Mango trees benefit from general soil fertilization of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and potassium throughout their lives. For the first year, provide 1/4-pound every one or two months. Increase to 1 pound in three to four applications per year after the tree is established. When mango trees are first planted, regular watering is necessary to keep the soil moist for the first few months as the plant establishes. Once it has established, little water is needed except during extended drought periods.