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List of White Night Bloomer Flowers

White, night-blooming flowers are ideal for a moon garden, a garden used for entertaining in the evening or for people who work during the day to have a place to relax at night. Most flowers that bloom at night have enticing aromas that drift on the air. Plant white flowers along pathways or other areas you want clearly defined. The moonlight reflects off their petals.
  1. Angel Trumpet

    • Angel trumpet Brugmansia is a must-have plant for the evening garden. The long, trumpet-shaped flowers come in many colors including white, peach, pink and yellow. The highly fragrant flowers, which are often 12-inches long, dangle from the stems of this small tree. The flowers open at night and close once the sun comes up, the exception being if the plant grows in partial shade. As long as the plant is in the dark, the flowers remain open. All parts of this plant are toxic, so keep it out of reach of children and pets. Wear gloves when pruning it and do not compost any parts of the plant.


    • Moonflower Ipomea alba is a twining vine easy to grow from seed. The seed has a hard outer shell that should be nicked before being planted. The large, 4-inch, white-or-pink flowers open during the late afternoon, remain open all night and close come morning. The flowers resemble oversized morning glories and are fragrant. The moonflower vine is a rapid grower that easily reaches a height of 15 feet in one growing season. The 8-inch, heart-shaped leaves create a nice privacy screen.


    • A large magnolia tree covered in white flowers.

      Many magnolia varieties have white flowers that bloom at night. Even those varieties with flowers blooming during the day have a more intense fragrance at night. Magnolia coco is an evergreen shrub with creamy-white. Night-blooming flowers. Magnolia delavayi is an evergreen tree that has night-blooming, ivory-colored flowers. Magnolia denudate has white flowers with a lemon fragrance at night. Other choices for magnolias with white, night-blooming flowers include Magnolia globosa, Magnolia fraseri var. pyramidata, Magnolia sieboldii and Magnolia virginiana.

    Night-Blooming Cereus

    • The large, white flowers that the night-blooming cereus Hylocerus undatus produces create a spectacular sight in the evening garden or indoors if grown as a houseplant. The night-blooming cereus is a climbing cactus with no spine. It does well in hanging baskets, as long as you keep it pruned to control the size. These plants often take several years to bloom, producing one or two flowers in the beginning. As the plant ages, it produces many more. The flowers remain open for just one night and often do not fully open until around midnight.