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What to Plant With Lantanas in Containers

Lantana is a colorful, heat-tolerant, sun-loving annual plant that attracts both butterflies and hummingbirds. Best grown in a container so the vibrant flowers are easier to enjoy, lantana reliably blooms non-stop from late spring through the first fall frost. When creating a container combination, horticulturalists recommend that you choose a thriller, a spiller and a filler. A "thriller" is a tall plant that goes in the center. A "spiller" is a plant that trails over the edges of the container. A "filler" is a plant that fills in the empty spaces and ties the arrangement together.
  1. Vibrant Container Combination

    • Vibrant red petunias make a statement in a container garden.

      When combining vibrant colors in a container arrangement it is a good idea to choose a container with a dark neutral color, such as black or brown, so it does not take away from the flowers. When creating the arrangement, position the marguerite daisy in the center of the container. This is your thriller plant. The spillers and fillers are the lantana and red petunias. Position these plants on the outer edge of the container, making sure to alternate them. A 16-inch container would require one marguerite daisy, two lantanas and two red petunias.

    Garden Party Container Combination

    • Golden variegated sweet flag, creeping Jenny, coral bells, English ivy and marguerite daisy combine with lantana to make a container combination that is an ideal centerpiece for a garden party, according to plant propagators Proven Winners. Choose an oblong or oval container that easily blends into the setting where the planter will be placed. Good color choices are beige, cream or gray. A 24-inch container would require one plant of each variety. Position the golden variegated sweet flag next to the lantana at the rear of the container. Place the marguerite daisy and the coral bells side-by-side in the center of the container. The creeping Jenny and English ivy belong side-by-side at the front of the container.

    Exotic Patio Container Combination

    • Geraniums are easy to grow in containers and look good in combination with lantana.

      An ideal combination for a planter to sit at the edge of a patio or deck includes lantana, Egyptian papyrus, zonal geranium, coleus and sweet potato vine. Choose a large 30-inch container in a dark neutral. Place the Egyptian papyrus in the center of the container. The other plants are going to go around the outer edge of the pot. You will need two plants each of the other varieties and they will be placed diagonally across from one another starting on one side of the container. Begin by placing a lantana next to the sweet potato vine. The next two plants, in order, are the coleus and the geranium. Once these are positioned, plant another lantana, followed by a sweet potato vine, a coleus and finally the geranium.

    Window Box Container Combination

    • This container combination is sure to attract the attention of hummingbirds.

      A simple container, such as a 16-inch window box is ideal for a combination of lantana, petunia and calibrachoa. Choose plants in shades of white or yellow for a cheery appearance, or choose reds and oranges to make a dramatic statement. This planter combination calls for four petunia plants and three plants of the other two varieties. The back of the container will consist of five plants, three lantanas and two petunias alternated beginning with the lantana. The front of the container will consist of five plants as well, alternated just like the back of the planter, except the calibrachoa will be positioned in front of the lantana.