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How to Grow Soilless Plants

While all plants need nutrients, air, sun and water in order to grow well, not all plants have to grow in soil. Many plants can be grown without soil as long as the proper nutrients are provided. However, the easiest plants to grow without soil are those that don't need soil at all. They are called epiphytes, and include a number of orchids, ferns, bromeliads and philodendrons. All these plants have air roots that cling to rocks and trees instead of growing in soil. With the proper environment, you can grow epiphytes without soil as well.

Things You'll Need

  • Epiphyte potting mix
  • Epiphyte fertilizer
  • Pot
  • Humidifier
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      Select the type of soilless plants you want to grow. Most epiphytes are tropical and receive adequate moisture from rainfall and humidity. Select a plant whose natural habitat you can easily replicate outdoors or in your home.

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      Get a well-draining container with four to six holes in the bottom. Soilless plants need plenty of air for their roots. Pour an epiphyte potting mix into the container until it is half full. An epiphyte potting mix will include a combination of bark, peat moss and perlite in most cases. Place the epiphyte plant in the potting mix and fill the pot full of the mix so the plant doesn't fall over. Water the potting mix until it is moist.

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      Place the plant in the proper amount of light, either full sun or near a bright window but out of direct light. Place a humidifier in the room with the soilless plant to make sure there is at least 50-percent humidity in the room at all times.

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      Water the soilless plant when the mixture dries. Add 1 tsp. of epiphyte fertilizer to 1 gallon of water every two to three months when you water the soilless plant.

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      Change the potting mixture once a year or when it starts to decay. Move the plant to a new pot with fresh mixture, and prune off any dead roots.