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English Victorian Flowers

As Victorian England prospered, the passion for flower gardening extended to a widening middle class, and the attaching of significance to various flowers became a means of communication among the Victorians. As a recent bride, the Duchess of Cambridge carried a bouquet of sentimentally significant flowers from the gardens of the royal family, including sprigs of myrtle from plants that had been planted by and used in the bridal bouquet of Queen Victoria.
  1. Annual Flowers and Bulbs

    • Tulips carried various messages in Victorian England.

      Bachelor buttons signified blessedness in singlehood. A gift of cleome was an invitation to elope, and zinnias represented thoughts of an absent friend. The dandelion, now considered a pesky weed, meant faithful happiness to the Victorians. Flax was a symbol of domesticity, and forget-me-not meant memories of true love. Tulips were significant according to color; red tulips were a declaration of love, yellow referred to the recipient's sunny smile, and variegated tulips were a compliment on beautiful eyes. Lily of the valley indicated a return to happiness.

    Perennial Flowers

    • Hydrangeas were meaningful flowers to the Victorians.

      Carnations in general carried the message of fascination. Pink carnations were a promise to never forget the recipient, red declared admiration, and purple carnations meant playfulness. A solid-colored carnation was the answer "yes," while a striped carnation meant "no." Callas were admired for their exotic, tropical appearance, and signified beauty. Chrysanthemums meant variously love, truth or slighted love. Hydrangeas may have indicated either thanks or heartlessness. Camellias of various colors indicated longing, a flame in the heart or the adorableness of the recipient.


    • A gift of roses carried a definite message during the Victorian era.

      The Victorian English avidly cultivated roses, placing great significance on them according to type or color. The damask rose was considered the Persian ambassador of love. Tea roses were for remembrance, and a thornless rose declared love at first sight. Dark-crimson roses were for mourning, while the red rose represented love. Pink roses were the emblems of perfect happiness, while yellow was the color of jealousy. Fresh white roses were given to declare that the giver was worthy, innocent and pure, while a withered white rose carried the message that the recipient had left no lasting impression. White and red variegated roses were a display of unity and the emblem of England.

    Fragrant Flowers

    • Fragrant freesias were a symbol of innocence in Victorian England.

      Fragrance in flowers was important to Victorian gardeners. Stock, an annual, is especially fragrant and was an assurance that the recipient will always be beautiful to the giver. Violets represented faithfulness and affection, and fragrant peonies carried the message of love. Freesia comes in many colors and are very fragrant flowers signifying innocence. Gardenias from the hothouse or conservatory allowed the giver to declare a secret love. White hyacinth was a promise of prayer for the beloved, while yellow hyacinth was a declaration of jealousy, and purple hyacinths begged forgiveness.