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How to Make Liquid Fertilizer for a Hydroponics System

Hydroponics is the growing of plants in controlled systems that use no soil. Instead, the plants are physically supported by being placed into a growth medum that holds their roots but does not provide them with any food. In some cases, the plants are suspended in the system with the roots exposed, and nutrients are applied to the roots. Either way, the plants are completely dependent on the hydroponic nutrient solution, sometimes called liquid fertilizer, for all of their nutritional needs. While the nutrients can be expensive, you can make your own quite inexpensively.

Things You'll Need

  • Dry, all-purpose fertilizer, water-soluble, with micronutrients
  • Epsom salts
  • Measuring spoon, teaspoon size
  • Measuring cup, gallon size
  • Bucket, 2 gallons or larger
  • Wooden spoon
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      Place one gallon of water into a bucket. The bucket should be large enough that the contents won’t splash our when you stir them. If you want to make 2 gallons at a time, put 2 gallons of water into a large bucket. This can simplify your task if you need to make a lot of nutrient solution. You can make more at a time if you need to, but don’t make more than you will use, as it is best if made fresh rather than being stored until needed.

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      Add 2 teaspoons of fertilizer to the water. A good basic fertilizer is 20-20-20, which contains 20 percent nitrogen, 20 percent phosphorous and 20 percent potassium. Be sure the fertilizer contains micronutrients, the minerals plants need in smaller amounts. Since your hydroponic plants will not have access to the soil, you must add these to the liquid nutrient solution. Stir it well.

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      Put 1 teaspoon per gallon of Epsom salts into the bucket. Plants will benefit from the magnesium sulfate. Stir this in until everything in the bucket is completely dissolved. Your liquid fertilizer is now complete and ready to use in your hydroponic system.