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How Many Kinds of Butterfly Bushes Are There?

Butterfly bush (Buddleja spp.) is a beautiful sight when covered in bright blooms with butterflies feeding on their sweet nectar. These bushes flower throughout summer, making them staples for the back of beds. They grow extremely large quickly, making regular pruning essential. Butterfly bushes tolerate cold winters and thrive across U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 5 to 9. New cultivars are being developed regularly, preventing an accurate count of the kinds available.
  1. Varieties

    • Butterfly bushes are attractive to butterflies because of their sweet pollen.

      There are a large number of cultivars, hybrids and species of butterfly bush available, providing a range of bloom colors and shrub sizes. All of the shrubs have a compact, round shape with arching branches. The available bloom colors range through blue, yellow, pink, red, violet and white. Butterfly bushes are considered invasive in Oregon, Connecticut and some other states, moving easily into disturbed areas and spreading seed in mid- to late winter. Cutting off flower heads before the plants set seed can help prevent them from spreading to other parts of your yard..

    Larger Cultivars

    • Buddleja davidii "Attraction" is one of the larger cultivars with beautiful magenta red blooms up to 12 inches long. Buddleja x weyeriana "Bicolor" features lavender buds that develop into pale pink flowers, with a yellow sheen as they age. The most common Buddleja davidii cultivar is likely "Black Night," which has dark purple flowers. Additional large Buddleja davidii cultivars include "Dartmoor," "Guinevere," Pink Delight," "Royal Red," "White Profusion" and "Lochinch." All of these bushes grow taller than six feet.

    Dwarf Cultivars

    • Compact Buddleja davidii cultivars grow to around 4 feet tall and include "Ellen's Blue," "Nanho Blue" and "Summer Beauty." "White Ball" is the smallest of the butterfly bushes. Covered with gleaming white flowers all summer, it grows no more than 3 feet tall.

    Related Species

    • Chinese butterfly bush (Buddleja fallowiana) is reputed for its heavily felted leaves and can reach up to 15 feet tall. It has white to lavender-tinted flowers. Lindley's butterfly bush (Buddleja lindleyana) is a compact shrub that can easily colonize large areas because it spreads via suckers. Sageleaf butterfly bush (Buddleja salvifolia) has copper-green textured leaves and is primarily grown for its stunning foliage. This is a hardy shrub and may remain evergreen in USDA zones 7 to 9. Alternate-leaf butterfly bush (Buddleja alternifolia) is the only shrub displaying alternating leaves. It has a weeping habit and features early-season purple flowers.