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How Many Varieties of Orchids Are There?

There are more than 25,000 verified, natural orchid varieties in the world, with hundreds of new species being discovered annually. In addition to this, there are more than 120,000 registered hybrid orchids, which are crossbreeds of two or more orchids. While orchids are best known for being tropical plants, species of this mysterious flower have been found in every country of the world except Antarctica. These numbers make orchids the largest plant family, according to the American Orchid Society.
  1. Terrestrial Orchids

    • Orchids that grow in the ground are known as terrestrial orchids. Of the 25,000 orchid varieties, only about 200 grow in the ground. They are typically found in tropical and subtropical areas, although most require exposure to nearly freezing temperatures in order to bloom. These varieties of orchids produce both small and large blooms in a rainbow of colors. Some types grow in groups, while others tend to grow alone. The most common of these orchids are haius, liparis, acanthephippium, erythodes, macodes, hetaria and zeuxine.

    Epiphytic Orchids

    • These orchids are often referred to as air plants because they do not require any soil in which to grow. These types of orchids use trees and other mediums to latch their roots onto in the wild. The domesticated varieties use bark, charcoal, sphagnum moss and fern for growth. In many cases, these types of orchids can grow in an open container outside. The roots latch on to support mediums around them, and the grower adds more support as needed. There are more than 18,000 species of epiphytic orchids.

    Lithophytic Orchids

    • Orchids that grow on rocks are known as lithophytic orchids. These typically grow in tropical areas and have extremely strong roots that are capable of absorbing water and nutrients from the air around them. These types of orchids are extremely rare. One of the most common examples of this type is the Bulbophyllum membranaceum.

    Monopodial and Sympodial

    • These types of orchids can be lithophytic, epiphytic or terrestrial. Monopodial orchids grow flowers one on top of another, all from a single stem. Phalaenopsis and vanda orchids are the most popular of this type and are a common houseplant in the United States. Sympodial orchids develop new bulbs as they age, which build on top of existing bulbs. This habit causes more than one stem to grow, increasing the amount of flowers. These types of orchids are the most common, and popular varieties include cattleyas, dendrobiums, oncidiums and spathoglottis.