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How to Grow Arum Plants

Arum plants, also known as Arum lilies, are a genus of plants mostly native to Europe. They look similar to Asian lilies and jack-in-the-pulpit. Unlike real lilies, the Arum plant’s flowers look more like peace lilies than normal lilies, with a large stamen surrounded by one curved petal. Arum plants also differ from true lilies in that their flowers give off a foul smell instead of a pleasant one. Arum plants are hardy down to the U.S. Department of Agriculture zone 6.

Things You'll Need

  • Spade
  • Mulch
  • Compost
  • Knife
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      Find a location in your garden for the Arum plants. They prefer partial sun to partial shade to thrive. Well-drained, fertile soils also work best for the Arum plants.

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      Dig a hole for the plants as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. Place the Arum plant into the hole and fill the hole with soil. Pat the soil down.

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      Add 1 inch of water to the Arum plant weekly if there’s no natural rainfall in your area.

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      Add a 1-inch layer of compost around the base of the Arum plants yearly in the fall to fertilize. Apply a 2-inch layer of mulch over the compost.

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      Divide the Arum plants in the summer while they are dormant. Dig up the plant’s corms with the spade and cut apart the roots with the knife. Replant the corms in holes eight to 10 inches apart.