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Ghost Orchid Facts

The ghost orchid is one the rarest orchids in the world. It is so rare because it almost impossible to cultivate the orchid outside its natural environment. It only grows in swampy areas, which are extremely moist and humid. It is classified as an endangered species and is not allowed to be removed from its natural habitat.
  1. History

    • The first ghost orchid was discovered in Cuba in the 1800s. It was discovered in Florida many years later. Ghost orchids have been poached for hundreds of years and today a mature plant can sell for hundreds of dollars. In Florida, only about a thousand plants that remain. They are listed as endangered and are preserves in state parks, where the public has very limited access to the ghost orchid.


    • The ghost orchid is hard to notice in the swamp area where it is located because it has green, gray and white roots that grow over a host tree. It does not have any leaves. It is called an epiphyte, which means it grows attached to another plant. The ghost orchid only blooms for three weeks, from April to August. It will bloom one to 10 blossoms. The flower resembles a white frog flying in the air. While it is blooming, the ghost orchid omits a soap-like smell.


    • The ghost orchid has only been found in southwestern Florida and Cuba because of the high humidity and swamp-like conditions. The ghost orchid does not grow anywhere else in the United States. It is thought that the ghost orchid got to the Unites States from migrating birds from Central and South America.


    • The ghost orchid has led to many cases of poaching. Maybe one of the most famous cases was in 1994, when a plant dealer was caught stealing three ghost orchids. His arrest and story led to the novel written by Susan Orlean entitled "The Orchid Thief." The book was based on the true story of the plant poacher and led to the popularity of the ghost orchid. The book was later turned into a movie called "Adaptation." The poaching of the ghost orchid has led to laws against stealing the rare plant.


    • The ghost orchid is a rare beauty that needs extra protection to ensure that the rare plant will be around for years to come. Poaching is not the only problem for the ghost orchid. Climate changes are occurring and causing some areas of Florida to have a big freeze. The very cold temperatures are poor conditions that affect the ghost orchid's growth. Another issue for the ghost orchid is the source of water. Florida has created canals to drain water to provide to others. This has lowered the amount of water the ghost orchid receives. It is important to keep the ghost orchid on the endangered species list or else it could be extinct.