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How to Propagate a Jewel Orchid

Jewel orchids are a group of several varieties of orchids, rather than one specific type. They are called jewel because of their beautiful foliage. Typically, orchids do not have unusual markings on their leaves, but jewel orchid leaves have interesting coloration, including strikingly colored veins. The velvety texture of the leaves enhances the colors and even makes them look like different colors from different angles. Jewel orchids are hardy and easy to propagate, which makes them a good choice for beginners.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Orchid rooting powder
  • Orchid pots
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Water
  • Orchid potting media
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      Place a handful of sphagnum moss in an orchid pot. Moisten it well. It should not be soggy.

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      Separate a stem from a healthy jewel orchid. Pull it gently away from the rest of the plant, untangling the roots. Cut the stem into pieces. Each piece should have two leaf nodes on it. Dip the cut ends of the stems in orchid rooting powder.

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      Place each stem piece in the sphagnum moss. Keep the moss moist, but not wet. Roots will develop from each section of jewel orchid stem. It will take several weeks, so be patient. Jewel orchids grow very slowly.

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      Pot each root in orchid potting media in a separate orchid pot when the roots are an inch or two long.