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Growing Orchids in Hawaii

Orchids are tropical plants that bloom in a wide range of colors, patterns and sizes. These plants feature tall flower stalks that can support up to 10 blooms, and hail from the canopy of South American rain forests. As aerial plants, these tropical beauties require air circulation more than water, and thrive in cooler temperatures. In Hawaii's USDA hardiness zones 10 and 11, gardeners should keep orchids indoors to keep them cool and control the moisture around their roots.

Things You'll Need

  • 3- to 6-inch pot
  • Orchid potting mix/peat moss
  • Orchid fertilizer
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      Keep orchids in 3- to 6-inch pots with drainage holes, in orchid potting mix or peat moss. This ensures good drainage round the orchids' roots, which will rot in standing water.

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      Place indoors, in areas that maintain temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Put them in areas where they get bright indirect morning light or eight hours of artificial light every day. Orchids fail in direct sunlight, but thrive with filtered light. Never put the orchids outdoors in Hawaii's bright sun.

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      Water orchids with 1 to 2 inches of water every seven to 10 days, and allow them to dry between waterings. Never over water orchids, and never expose them to Hawaii rainfall.

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      Feed orchids with orchid-specific fertilizer once a week during their growing season and once a month during the rest of the year. Always follow manufacturer directions in regard to mixing and the amount of fertilizer.