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How to Care for Yellow Nobile Dendrobium

Those new to the hobby of raising orchids sometimes worry when Nobile Dendrobium plants begin to yellow and lose leaves. However, according to Brent Finke of the Florida West Coast Orchid Society, yellowing only indicates the onset of the plant's dormant period. This particular variety of orchid is deciduous. The yellowing and falling of leaves is a normal part of this plant's annual growth cycle.

Things You'll Need

  • Orchid food
  • Water
  • Orchid pot
  • Orchid growing medium
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      Stop feeding the Nobile Dendrobium in early autumn or when you see the leaves begin to yellow. Begin a light fertilization when most of the blooms fall off the plant a few months later. The fertilization period lasts about five months of the year.

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      Leave the plants outdoors longer than most other orchid plants. They withstand much lower temperatures than most other orchids. Also, they require night temperatures under 50 degrees F for about a month to bloom. In Florida leave them outside year round. In northern climates, bring them inside during the coldest part of the year -- but not into a heated area.

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      Water the plants only once a week during its dormant stage. Provide good draining and ensure the growing medium dries out completely between waterings. Water two or three times a week when the flowers begin to drop.

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      Provide as much indirect sunlight as possible year round. In fact, these hardy plants withstand full sunlight and still thrive, unlike many other orchid species.

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      Repot the orchid every couple of years. These plants have fewer roots than other species, and they grow around the top of the pot, making repotting easy. Stake up the canes for support or let the canes cascade over the side of the pot. This is an attractive way to display Nobile Dendrobium in a hanging pot.