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How to Care for Orchid Cactus Plants

Orchid cactus is a common name for several epiphytic plants. The flowers open and close in a single night. The cacti have wide, flat stems with scalloped edges, connected by a midvein. Epiphytic plants are considered the most majestic of hanging plants. Thousands of varieties of orchid cacti are available in every color except true blue. The original, white night-flowering type is the most popular. Epiphyllum oxypetalum is called the queen of the night and has long, graceful white flowers.

Things You'll Need

  • Plant mister
  • Porous potting soil
  • Fertilizer
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      Plant orchid cacti in a light, rich potting soil. Use a porous mixture that will hold some moisture while still draining well. The plants do best in slightly acidic soil. Substances containing small pieces of crushed charcoal provide the best purification and aeration.

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      Give orchid cactus plants sunlight in fall, winter and spring. Move them to a shaded spot when the summer sun gets very hot. The ideal temperature for flowering is 65 degrees F with some humidity.

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      Mist the stems to add humidity. The water also washes away dust that may accumulate and suffocate the plant. Spray them during the entire year except when there are buds or flowers.

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      Water orchid cactus plants to keep them constantly moist when the growing season begins in early spring. The water will feed the roots during this important time. During the winter, they need just enough moisture to keep the stems from dying.

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      Apply weak fertilizer solutions during the growing season. Regular feedings of a liquid solution are important. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.