Home Garden

How to Build a Germination Box

A germination box is a wooden box with a removable cover that holds seed starter trays. The box allows you to control the environment of your newly planted seeds to ensure that as many germinate, or sprout, as possible. Building a germination box is simple, and you can use scrap lumber or lumber from a home improvement store that you cut to size. You can then place the box in a greenhouse under grow lights, or install a heating system to increase the temperature around the seeds.

Things You'll Need

  • Plywood sheet
  • Measuring tape
  • 4 pieces of lumber, 8 inches tall
  • Saw
  • Electrical drill
  • Wood screws
  • Adhesive-backed reptile aquarium heating elements
  • Window screen
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    • 1

      Select a piece of plywood sheeting that is as long and as wide as you want the germination box to be. This is the bottom of the box. Measure the length and width of the plywood sheet.

    • 2

      Cut two pieces of lumber to match the length of the plywood sheet. Each piece should be 8 inches wide. Set the pieces on their sides and lay the plywood sheet on top.

    • 3

      Use an electrical drill to screw wood screws through the bottom of the plywood and into the pieces of lumber. Place one screw every 6 to 8 inches.

    • 4

      Turn the box right side up. Measure the width of the space between the two pieces of lumber. Cut two more pieces of lumber to fit that space. These pieces should also be 8 inches wide.

    • 5

      Put the two side pieces in place between the longer pieces of lumber, on top of the plywood sheet. Insert two screws through the ends of the longer pieces of lumber and into the short side pieces at each joint.

    • 6

      Remove the adhesive backing on reptile aquarium heating elements. Press the elements in place in the bottom of the box. Use more than one if necessary.

    • 7

      Cover the box with a piece of window screen that is as large as the box, or larger. The screen will keep pests away from the plants but will let in air and light.