Home Garden

How to Grow Ranunculus Indoors

Ranunculus are better known as buttercups and are commonly considered weeds in lawns. You can grow them easily indoors, where their bright yellow color will help welcome spring. The plants grow from tubers that go dormant in the summer. Ranunculus plants are low maintenance, requiring only regular watering and fertilizing. They are slightly temperature sensitive, as well. The plants have a growth-dormancy cycle and should be left alone during dormancy.

Things You'll Need

  • Plant pot
  • Organic potting soil
  • Water-soluble fertilizer
  • Shears
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      Fill a plant pot with organic potting soil in February. The pot should have drainage holes.

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      Plant the buttercup bulbs 2 inches deep in the potting soil. You can put more than one bulb in the same pot, if there is room. Space them five inches apart. Water until the soil settles.

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      Set the pot in a bright, cool spot out of direct sunlight. An east-facing window is best, if possible. Do not place them near heat vents.

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      Water frequently enough to keep the soil moist, but do not waterlog the soil. The roots will rot. Apply a water-soluble fertilizer to the soil once a week during the growing season according to the package directions.

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      Pull off blossoms as they fade. Leave the foliage intact so the tubers can collect nutrients for the next year. Once the foliage yellows and dies on its own, cut it down to the soil. Do not water while the plant is in dormancy.