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What Are the Dangers of Bloodroot?

Bloodroot is an herb now grown for the beautiful bloom produced each Spring. The plant produces a showy, white flower very early in the year. Hybrid varieties produce a double bloom that lasts longer. Bloodroot can be found in the eastern parts of the United States. It also grows in Canada. Certain areas, like New York and Rhode Island, have bloodroot listed as an endangered species. It is now known that bloodroot is also extremely poisonous. The plant should be left alone in its natural habitat.
  1. History

    • Native Americans had many uses for the plant known as bloodroot, bloodwort and red puccoon. The root was used for medicinal purposes, such as removing skin cancers and warts. The entire plant was used for dyes and paints.

    Poisonous Side Effects

    • The most mild effect of consuming bloodroot is vomiting. Other effects include visual impairment, fainting and skin lesions. Although there was a time when bloodroot was considered a medicinal herb, it is now known that all parts of the plant are poisonous and can cause nausea and vomiting. Other side effects from internal use are heart palpitations and shortness of breath.

    Bloodroot is Escharotic

    • Escharotic means corrosive. There are salves and ointments that contain bloodroot being offered to help cure skin cancers and other growths. These creams should never be used on the skin because the bloodroot extract in the creams will eat at the skin tissue, causing holes and lesions. Another warning about these salves is the entire tumor or growth being treated may not be eliminated, causing it to come back.

    Treatments are not Permanent

    • Many people who have used topical creams containing bloodroot to treat moles, cancers, and other growths have experienced the removal of the growths only to have problems later. The growth returned or masticised deeper in the skin requiring massive medical procedures to treat the affected area.


    • Do not plant or grow bloodroot where children and pets have access to the plant. All parts of the plant are considered highly toxic. Anyone coming in contact with the plant, and not knowing what it is, could be harmed.