Home Garden

Uses of Borage

Borage is an annual herb with blue star-shaped flowers that appear in midsummer. The plant consists of a hollow branching stem with stiff, white hairs. Borage has a flavor similar to cucumbers.
  1. Internal Medical

    • Steep borage flowers in hot water for 20 minutes. Drink this decoction to relieve fevers, bronchitis and diarrhea.

    External Medical

    • Grind leaves in a blender to make a poultice that has cooling and soothing properties. Use the borage poultice on external inflammations and swellings.

    Borage Leaves

    • Eat the leaves raw, steamed or sautéed. Grind up borage leaves to flavor cheese, fish, poultry, pickles and salad dressings.

    Borage Stems

    • Peel and chop borage stems. Use them anywhere you use celery.

    Borage Flowers

    • Toss a handful of borage flowers in a salad to add color and flavor. Candy the blue flowers by dipping them in sugar. Use the candied flowers to decorate pastries and cakes.


    • Plant borage next to your strawberry plants in your garden. Borage defends nearby plants against insects and diseases. Borage also attracts bees to your garden.