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Brown Spots on the Blades of St. Augustine Grass

St. Augustine is a warm season grass well adapted to growing in shade and high temperatures. The drought-tolerant grass has a medium green color and withstands moderate levels of wear and traffic. A number of diseases lead to the appearance of brown spots on St. Augustine blades.
  1. Brown Patch

    • Brown patch is a fungal disease of St. Augustinegrass. The disease starts with the appearance of irregular shaped, light brown, dark bordered spots on grass blades.

    Gray Leaf Spot

    • Gray leaf spot disease on St. Augustinegrass is caused by the fungus Pyricularia grisea. The disease is characterized by gray to brown, 2- to 5-cm spots on grass blades. The spots often have a yellow or dark brown border.


    • Rust is a fungal disease common to all turfgrasses and is caused by the Puccinia and Uromyces fungi. The disease starts with yellow, red, orange or brown spots on grass blades.