Home Garden

Brown Spots on the Yard

Yard grass is susceptible to a number of disorders caused either by poor cultural management or pathogenic infections. Fungi are the most frequent cause of grass disorders. A fungal infection also leads to brown spots on a yard.

  1. Identification

    • Yard grass is susceptible to infection from the Moellerodiscus sp., Lanzia sp. and Sclerotinia homeocarpa fungi. The growth of fungus is favored by temperature of 60 to 80 degrees F. and excessive moisture in soil.


    • The disease is characterized by the appearance of 1- to 2-inch diameter, straw- to brown-colored spots on yard. Over time, the spots take on a bleached look, grow large and merge to create irregular patches. Grass blades look water-soaked and have red bands running crosswise. You can also see very fine, white, cobweb-like growth on grass during early morning.


    • Keeping your lawn dethatched and well-irrigated will help reduce chances of infection. Apply a top dressing of compost and raise the mowing height. Also avoid excessive use of fertilizer, and use only the amounts recommended for grass.