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How Long Do Tomato Plants Keep Producing?

Tomatoes are warm-season crops. They grow and produce when the danger of frost has passed in the spring. The season ends with the first frost in the fall. Tomatoes are classified as determinate and indeterminate.

  1. Determinate Tomatoes

    • Determinate tomato plants stop growing at a certain height, produce flowers and set fruit. The tomatoes ripen within a four- to five-week period. The Sub Arctic Plenty variety produces 3- to 4-ounce tomatoes in 45 days. Celebrity tomato plants produce 10-ounce tomatoes in 70 days.

    Indeterminate Tomatoes

    • Indeterminate tomato plants grow, flower and set fruit until the first fall frost. They have heavier yields than determinate tomato varieties but usually mature later in the season. The Early Girl variety begins producing salad-size tomatoes at 54 days. The Better Boy variety produces 12-ounce tomatoes at 72 days.

    Types of Plants

    • Determinate plants are usually small and compact. They grow 3 to 4 feet tall. Indeterminate plants are large and sprawling. Both types are often started indoors six weeks before the last spring frost.