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How to Create Homozygous Tomatoes

The genetics of tomato growing and breeding involves two types of product. Tomatoes that result from crossbreeding two varieties of tomatoes are called heterozygous while tomatoes that result from breeding one variety of tomato are called homozygous. Homozygous plants are also called "true bred" and have constant traits that carry from generation to generation. The typical store-bought tomato seeds are usually homozygous if they do not feature the designation of "hybrid." These types of plants can be grown at home and their seeds stored for planting in subsequent seasons.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-hybrid tomato seeds
  • Starter pots
  • Grow light
  • 10 five-gallon planters or garden space
  • Plastic bags
  • Water


    • 1

      Choose they variety of tomato you would like to grow, such as the heirloom tomatoes Brandywine. Do not choose a hybrid tomato variety, as these will not bred true. Choose only one variety of tomato.

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      Plant 10 tomato seeds in the starter pots by placing one seed in each disc. Add water to the pots and allow them to expand. Keep the pots under a grow lamp until they are about 6 inches tall. The best time to begin planting tomatoes is May or early June.

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      Relocate the plants into 1-gallon planting pots. Keep the pots in a greenhouse environment without any other tomato varieties. You can also relocate the plants to an outdoor plot as long as other tomato varieties are not present in the garden. Plant individual specimens at least 30 inches apart to ensure the plant has room to grow.

    • 4

      Allow the tomato plants to grown until they begin to sprout small, yellow flowers. To pollinate outdoor plants, cover the blossoms with a plastic bag shortly before the blossoms open. Shake the stem of the plant so that pollen falls from the anther into the stigma of the blooms and pollinates the plant. This is best done at midday when the pollen is dry. The plastic bag keeps bees from cross-pollinating the plant. The same process can be used on indoor plants without the need for plastic bags.

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      Wait for the tomatoes to ripen. Tomato harvests typically take place from late July through September. The tomato specimens that result from these plants are homozygous because they have not been allowed to crossbreed with other varieties.

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      Dry and store some of the seeds from these tomatoes in order to grow new tomato plants the next season.