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Can Tomato Plants Get Too Big?

Tomatoes are warm weather plants that are damaged by freezing temperatures. When tomato plants grow wild, the large branches sprawl and run along the ground. Without support and some control, tomato plants may get too big for small areas.

  1. Types

    • There are two categories of tomato plants. Determinate tomato plants grow to a certain height, flower, produce fruit and stop growing. Check the plant label for the size limits of determinate plants. Indeterminate tomato plants produce fruit and keep on growing. This variety produces fruit throughout the summer and into the fall.


    • Plant tomatoes in containers that are large enough to accommodate the massive growth of the plants. Use at least 5-gallon containers to ensure room for root growth and weight so the plant does not tip over. Miniature and cherry tomato plants grow well in 1-gallon containers.


    • Use a tomato cage or stakes to keep large tomato plants off the ground. This support improves air circulation around the plant and fruit, which prevents plant disease caused by wet foliage. Put the supports in place while the tomato plants are small.