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Home Remedy for Aphids Spray for Roses

Aphids are tiny soft-bodied insects that frequently attack roses. They usually cluster around flower buds but can also be found on leaves. Gardeners can make their own spray to help rid their plants of this pest.

  1. Types

    • Aphids are usually spotted on buds first, but they can be found on other plant surfaces.

      Using soap or oil in a homemade insecticide is called a mechanical kill. It smothers aphids, unlike chemicals, which poison them.

    Soap or Oil Spray

    • Mix soap by the gallon and pour into sprayers like this for easy application.

      Mix 3 tbsp. of dish soap with a gallon of water for small numbers of aphids. Alternatively, you can mix 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tsp. dish soap and 1 cup of water for infested roses. Put in a sprayer and coat all plant surfaces twice a day until aphids are gone.


    • If your rose leaves look discolored, it is a good idea to take a few to a plant nursery for evaluation.

      The addition of oil can make a spray coat a plant better, but it is important not to apply it during the heat of the day. To avoid leaf burn, only apply in early morning or evening.