Home Garden

How to Get Rid of Beetles on a Rose Bush

The rose (Rosaceae) is a type of perennial shrub grown for its colorful blossoms. There are dozens of types of roses grown throughout North America. Rose shrubs are relatively hardy plants, but they are susceptible to beetle infestations that can quickly damage, weaken and kill them. Take steps to get rid of pest beetles to protect your roses and keep them blooming for many years.

Things You'll Need

  • Water hose
  • Milky spore powder
  • Insecticide
  • 1-gallon bucket
  • 2 tbsp. liquid dish soap
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      Spray the rose bush with a jet of water from a hose. Focus on areas that have visible beetles to knock them off quickly and wash them away.

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      Add milky spore (Paenibacillus popilliae) to soil to kill beetle grubs. These grubs can damage your rose bush's roots. Add milky spore to soil beneath your rose shrub during the summer months when beetles reproduce. Milky spore is a natural bacteria and can be obtained in powder form from many nurseries and garden stores. The bacteria are naturally toxic to beetle grubs and kill them without harming your rose plant or any other type of insect.

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      Spray the rose bush with a standard shrub insecticide to kill the adult beetles. Mist all exposed surfaces of the rose plant according to the guidelines on the insecticide's product label, as insecticide toxicity varies by manufacturer.

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      Use a natural insecticide spray formulated with horticultural oils such as neem oil. This works as an alternative to standard insecticide and is best for people who want to minimize the use of chemicals in their garden. Spray it onto the beetles as you would a standard, chemical-based insecticide.

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      Collect the beetles manually. Go outside at night when the beetles are less active. Place a 1-gallon bucket filled with water and 2 tbsp. liquid dish soap beneath your rose bush. Shake the rose bush. The beetles will fall into the soapy water and die.