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Fast-Growing Fencing Trees

Trees are a staple in landscapes and serve a myriad of purposes such as use in ornamental plantings, providing shade and as privacy fences when grown closely together. Trees used in fences blend in with the landscape to help separate properties and keep large wildlife from entering premises. Close growing trees also serve as windbreaks in windy areas. Good tree fence choices include fast growing trees with dense growth.
  1. Leyland Cypress

    • Leyland cypress is a fast growing, pyramid shaped evergreen that can grow up to 3 or more feet every year, achieving a mature height of up to 75 feet with a 20-foot spread. The dense growth pattern of the trees and its rapid growth rate makes it one of the best tree choices for use as a natural fence and windbreak. Leyland cypress has slightly fragrant, soft, feathery, pointed needles that keep their rich, dark blue-green color throughout the year. The tree grows well in areas of sun or shade and adapts well to a variety of soil types. This deer resistant tree is also resistant to drought and salt. Prune younger trees well, as this helps to promote stronger growth.


    • Arborvitae is an evergreen tree that grows to a mature height of 20 to 30 feet with a 12-foot spread. The evergreen tree has a fast growth rate and is often chosen as a privacy fence, given its dense growth and adaptability to a wide range of growing conditions. Arborvitae is low maintenance and grows well in areas of full or partial sun. Arborvitae is best suited to regions with cooler climates and moist soils. Apply regular fertilizer to mature trees to strengthen roots and increase tolerance to cultural stress. Prune to remove older growth.

    Norway Spruce

    • Norway spruce is an evergreen conifer native to central and northern Europe. The fast growing tree is popular as a windbreak and privacy tree in urban and rural landscapes, growing to a mature height of up to 80 feet with a 40-foot spread. Norway spruce is known for its high adaptability to poor soils including clay or rocky ground, and for its high tolerance to drought. The tree grows best in well-drained, moist, acidic soils. Norway spruce fares well in city pollution and is considered a low maintenance tree. Use as an ornamental evergreen tree or plant in rows for a dense, tall fence.