Home Garden

How to Grow Mugwort Indoors

Mugwort is one common name for Artemisia vulgaris, a perennial species of woody herb found in temperate climates around the world. Although it is considered a weed by some homeowners, many gardeners cultivate it as an ornamental plant and medicinal herb for its fragrant, silvery-gray foliage. Growing mugwort at home is best done by sowing the seeds indoors a few weeks before the last winter frost and keeping them near a large, sunny window until they are large enough to plant outside.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed-starting tray
  • Sterile compost
  • Fine sand
  • Plant mister
  • Propagation mat
  • 4-inch plastic pots
  • Loam
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    • 1

      Fill a seed-starting tray with low-acid sterile compost. Pack the compost firmly into the bottom of the tray. Rough-up the top quarter-inch of the compost by raking your fingertips across the surface.

    • 2

      Mix the mugwort seeds with an equal measure of fine sand to make them easier to sow. Sprinkle pinches of the seed and sand mixture across the surface of the compost in the nursery tray.

    • 3

      Spray the compost heavily with a plant mister to settle the seeds. Moisten the soil to a depth of a quarter inch. Maintain moisture at that level while the mugwort seeds germinate. Do not allow the compost to dry out completely until after the seeds have sprouted.

    • 4

      Move the seed-starting tray near a large, unshaded window. Set it on a propagation mat. Set the temperature on the propagation mat to between 68 and 70 degrees F. Turn off the propagation mat at night.

    • 5

      Watch for germination 10 days after sowing the mugwort seeds. Thin the seedlings so they have at least half an inch of space between them.

    • 6

      Transplant the mugwort seedlings into 4-inch plastic pots filled with loam once they grow to 1 inch in height and have one pair of true leaves, which are silvery-green with lobed edges.

    • 7

      Keep the individually potted mugwort seedlings near a window as they establish a mature root system. Water them once a week to a depth of a half inch. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.

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      Transplant the mugwort plants into a permanent pot or bed after all danger of frost has passed and daytime temperatures rise above 65 degrees F. Space the plants at least 18 inches apart if growing them in a bed since they grow very large and require a lot of room to spread.