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How to Care for Bronze Sedge Grass

Ornamental grasses add a lot to a garden, including texture and height with their tall flower plumes, and sometimes even sound when they rattle in the breeze. Carex comans "Bronze Sedge" is a dwarf upright-growing grass with light bronze foliage. It compliments flowering plants in beds or serves as a filler in container gardens. Drought-tolerant Bronze Sedge thrives in zones 7 through 10 on the U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Map.

Things You'll Need

  • Pine-needle or pine-bark mulch
  • Soil moisture meter
  • Bypass loppers or pruning shears


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      Keep the soil around your Bronze Sedge grass acidic to neutral in pH. Use pine-needle or pine-bark mulch on the soil to help lower pH.

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      Allow the soil to dry somewhat between waterings. This encourages the grass to produce longer, stronger roots. Use a moisture meter inserted 4 inches into the soil. When it registers 50 percent, water the Bronze Sedge grass.

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      Prune the top of the Bronze Sedge grass in late February or early March, only if the plant requires it to remove dead foliage. Cut back no more than 1/3 of the grass's tops.