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How to Grow Chrysanthemum Parthenium From Seed Indoors

Chrysanthemum parthenium, commonly known as feverfew, is a herbaceous perennial often grown for its medicinal uses to treat migraine headaches. It also has ornamental value, adorning the landscape with beautiful white flowers with bright yellow centers. You can sow Chrysanthemum parthenium seeds directly outdoors, or start them indoors two to three months before transplanting them outdoors after the last spring frost.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper bag or envelope
  • Seed tray
  • Potting soil


    • 1

      Place seeds in a paper bag or envelope, and loosely close it. Set the bag in the refrigerator for seven days. Chrysanthemum parthenium seeds need a period of cold stratification to germinate. If the seed packet states the seeds are ready to plant, do not stratify.

    • 2

      Fill a seed tray with high-quality potting soil until it reaches just below the rim.

    • 3

      Sprinkle two to three seeds in the center of each seed tray compartment. Do not cover the seeds with soil. Chrysanthemum parthenium seeds need light to germinate.

    • 4

      Place the seed tray in an area that receives a minimum of four hours of sunlight per day. Keep the seeds and soil moist. Seeds should germinate in approximately two weeks. When the seedlings develop four leaves, they can then be transplanted outdoors, provided the threat of frost has passed.