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How to Properly Stake Heavy Headed Peonies

Peonies reward gardeners with enormous, beautiful blooms throughout the spring. Unfortunately, enthusiastic breeders have created some peonies that are so heavy headed that they cannot hold their own flowers upright; these plants slowly nod under the weight of so many petals. Peonies are often beaten down by winds and rains, causing a lovely peony hedge to look dull and flat. As a counter measure, many gardeners choose to stake or cage their peonies to provide additional support.

Things You'll Need

  • Peony cage
  • 1-inch thick wooden stakes, 4
  • Green spray paint
  • Twine
  • Plastic coated wire


    • 1

      Support a peony with a peony cage after the plant is visible, but before it reaches 6 inches in height. Push the wire legs into the ground around the peony, being careful not to pierce the crown. Allow the peony to grow up through the hoop, tucking any stray branches inside as it grows.

    • 2

      Spray paint four, 1-inch thick wooden stakes, approximately the same height as the plant will be full grown, using green paint. Push the stakes 6 to 12 inches into the ground in a circle approximately 4 inches from the plant's crown.

    • 3

      Tie the peony's branches loosely to the stakes as they grow using twine or plastic coated wire. Loop an extra round of twine loosely around the entire plant about 1 foot above the ground to help discourage flopping.