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How to Germinate Raw Peanuts

Peanuts not only contain plenty of nutritious protein and iron, they are also easy to sprout and grow. You can help your children plant them in their own garden, or add the sprouts to your daily diet. According to Living Foods, sprouted peanuts and other seeds contain enzymes that are beneficial to the body. Make sure your peanuts are raw by reading the packaging. Some peanuts that look raw may actually be roasted in the shell. Roasted peanuts will not sprout.

Things You'll Need

  • Peanuts
  • Shallow plastic container
  • Large, 100 percent cotton towels
  • Room temperature water
  • Spray bottle
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      Squeeze the centers of unshelled peanuts to crack the shell and release the nuts. Remove the shells and as much of the skin as possible. Spanish peanuts have papery skin that falls right off of the nuts.

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      Soak a large, 100 percent cotton towel in room temperature water. Line the bottom of your plastic container with the towel. Spread your peanuts out in a single, clustered layer over the towel. Soak a second towel and cover the peanuts with it.

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      Check on the peanuts every 24 hours. Spray the towels with water so they remain constantly wet. Your peanuts are starting to sprout if you see a little white nub on one end of each nut.

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      Wait until the sprouts are as long as the peanut before eating or growing.