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How to Grow Truffles Inside

Truffles are mushrooms that usually grow completely underground around the roots of oak and hazel trees. While most truffle growing is done on large oak or hazel plantations, truffles also can be grown indoors in greenhouses or solariums where the conditions for cultivation are met. Growing truffles is a long process -- it can take up to seven years for an initial crop to be ready for harvest. However, with truffles in high demand by chefs worldwide, it might be worth the wait.

Things You'll Need

  • Greenhouse (30 feet by 30 feet)
  • Lime
  • Sulfur
  • Truffle-inoculated oak trees
  • Mulch
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      Ensure your greenhouse is suitable for truffle cultivation. Your greenhouse must get at least six hours of sunlight every day and have excellent drainage; the truffle-inoculated oak trees cannot be allowed to sit in standing water. Make sure the site's soil has a pH level between 6.5 to 8.0. If the pH is below 6.5, add lime to acidify the soil; if it is above 8.0, add sulfur to decrease the soil's acidity. Aerate the soil; make sure it is not packed or sandy.

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      Plant your truffle-inoculated oak trees at least 2 feet deep and in holes that are about twice as big as the root balls. Plant them about 4 feet apart to ensure enough growing room when the trees mature.

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      Water the trees enough to soak the ground around them at least 2 inches deep every three days.

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      Check the pH level of the soil frequently to make sure it is between 6.5 and 8.0.

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      Mulch the trees with small amounts of mulch -- just enough to cover the root area -- three or four times per year. Don't build a "volcano" cone of mulch, as this can cause the truffles and tree to rot from excess moisture.