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How to Grow a Tree Allee

An allee of trees is a very elegant, formal entry or walkway with a canopy of trees. The trees can be any type, but are usually shade trees or ornamental flowering fruit. The biggest problem with planning an allee is forecasting the height and width of your tree species. It is important to research this detail or even ask your county extension service for guidance. Once your trees have matured they should form a leafy corridor. The American elm was one of the most used for allees until Dutch elm disease began to decimate the species. Today there is an Allee elm that is resistant to the disease.

Things You'll Need

  • Trees
  • Measuring tape
  • Stakes
  • Shovel
  • Compost
  • Water
  • Tree stake
  • Tree sling
  • Hammer
  • Fertilizer
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      Chose trees that suit your climate, soil type and the size of the area. It would not work to plant and elm tree allee in a 5 foot long pathway, for example. Large trees are best used on very long streets or drives. They should be tall enough at maturity to arch over and proved easy access to even tall vehicles. Pick trees that grow quickly unless you want to wait for years for the effect.

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      Measure the length of the area that you are going to plant. Multiply by two because you will be planting both sides. Once you know the width of your tree species at maturity, divide the doubled length by that number to ascertain how many trees you need to buy and plant. Mark the location of each tree with a stake.

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      Start your trees off right by giving the soil extra nutrients and ensuring the soil is well broken up so the roots can penetrate easily. The classic Victorian trees used were elm, linden and even olive. Suit your tree to your soil type.

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      Dig holes that are twice as big in diameter and twice as deep to loosen the soil for roots. Fill the bottom of the hole again with compost to the level necessary to raise the tree in the hole to the surface of the dirt.

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      Spread the roots of your tree out into a hole. Fill the hole halfway with soil and then the rest of the way with water. Let the water soak in and then fill the rest of the way with soil, pressing it in around the roots. Compact it completely to remove air pockets and water it again until puddles form.

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      Prune the young trees to a strong leader at planting and head the leader back to the previous growth point. The trees will need to grow straight and true so a tree stake and sling are a good idea to keep the trunk vertical for the first year or two as it establishes. Hammer the stake in to a depth of at least 8 to 12 inches to give it stability.

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      Provide annual fertilizer and water to your tree. The amounts will vary by species. Keep dead and broken wood pruned out and watch for signs of disease. When trees are planted so closely together they spread disease rapidly so you will need to react quickly to prevent the entire allee becoming infected.