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How to Grow PF Tek Mushrooms

Originally developed by Robert McPherson, the PF Tek mushroom cultivation departs from regular mushroom cultivation through its use of brown rice flower and dry vermiculite to reduce contaminating bacteria. Though there are several methods for growing Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, but the general PF Tek techniques provide a reliable method for growing mushrooms indoors, even for beginning growers. Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, commonly known as Smoothcap mushrooms contain toxic properties and should not be ingested.

Things You'll Need

  • Vermiculite
  • Brown rice flour
  • Water
  • 2-cup jar with metal lid
  • Pressure cooker
  • Smoothcap spore solution
  • Needle
  • Wet paper towel
  • Plastic container
  • Plastic sheet
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    • 1

      Add 2/3 cup of vermiculite to a large mixing bowl.

    • 2

      Pour water over the vermiculite slowly while you stir the mixture with a spoon. Only add as much water as it takes for the vermiculite to absorb the water. Once the mixture is moist, stop adding water and thoroughly stir the mixture.

    • 3

      Add ¼ cup of brown rice flour to the bowl and mix together.

    • 4

      Fill the mixture into a jar that has the capacity to hold 2 cups of liquid. Fill the mixture almost up to the top, leaving a ½-inch space at the top of the jar.

    • 5

      Poke four or five holes into the jar's metal lid, then place the lid securely on top of the jar.

    • 6

      Fill a pressure cooker with 2 inches of water and place the jar inside of the pressure cooker. In order to sterilize the jar, cook it in the pressure cooker for forty-five minutes. Turn off the pressure cooker and open the pressure cooker lid. Allow the jar to cook for several hours.

    • 7

      Fill a needle with 12cc of Smoothcap mushroom spore solution.

    • 8

      Sterilize the needle over an open flame for a few seconds until the needle is glowing red, then inject a few drops of the spore solution into each hole in the lid of the jar. Cover the lid of the jar with aluminum foil and place the jar in a room where the constant temperature is between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and is also out of direct sunlight.

    • 9

      Wait approximately 30 days before fruiting the mushrooms. After 30 days, lay a wet paper towel into the bottom of a clear, lid-less container. Remove the foil and lid from the jar and turn the jar upside down, allowing the material to slide out of the jar.

    • 10

      Cover the container with plastic. Uncover this plastic once day for the next 14 to 21 days, which is the amount of time the mushrooms should take to fully develop. During this time, if the paper towel gets dry, you can lightly mist it with water to keep the humidity in the container an a good level for the mushrooms to grow.