Home Garden

How to Steam Mushrooms in a Steamer

Mushrooms are a versatile ingredient that adds texture and flavor to many dishes. They can be deep fried, baked, microwaved or sauteed. Preserving mushrooms means drying or freezing them. Many frozen vegetables are blanched -- or dipped into hot water for a minute -- before freezing but mushrooms are better steamed than blanched.


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      Cover the mushrooms with a mixture of lemon juice and water made from 1 tsp. of juice to every pint of water. Let sit for 5 minutes.

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      Adjust the steamer basket so that it is 3 inches above the pot bottom.

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      Fill the steamer with 2 inches of water.

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      Heat the water to a moderate boil. Add the mushrooms to the basket.

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      Add the steamer lid and continue to steam for 3 minutes. Add 2 more minutes if steaming whole mushrooms.

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      Take the mushrooms from the heat and quickly dip the whole steamer basket into a container of iced water to stop the cooking.

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      Spread the mushrooms on a cookie sheet and let dry completely.

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      Fill a freezer-capable plastic storage bag with the steamed mushrooms and freeze. Use the steamed, frozen mushrooms within a year for any recipe calling for mushrooms.