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When Do Plum Trees Lose Their Leaves?

Plums are an easy-to-grow fruit and the late blooming trees are less susceptible to damage from spring frosts. The majority of plums are not self-fertile and need another variety for a good harvest. A fungal disease causes the trees to lose leaves.

  1. Identification

    • Plum trees are susceptible to brown rot blossom, and twig blight disease caused by Monilinia laxa and Monilinia fructicola. The fungal growth is most active in wet to moist weather conditions and moderate climate.


    • The disease is characterized by the sudden death of young flower spurs and foliage of infected trees. There is a secretion of gum from the base of the flowers. Infected flowers develop gray-brown masses of spores during humid weather. The fungus continues to thrive in infected twigs and fruit.


    • Remove and destroy all infected fruit from trees and ground. Apply protective fungicide to prevent fungus from spreading to fruit. Chemical control options include the use of thiophanate methyl, pyrimethanil and iprodione.