Home Garden

Plans for a Grape Arbor

Grapevines are rustic and charming additions to any house, and can live for more than 50 years with the right care. Part of caring for a grapevine is keeping it off the ground with an arbor or trellis. Many gardeners choose to build their own with a couple of easily available products.
  1. The Facts

    • Grapevines can grow more than 10 feet long in either direction, and carry many pounds of fruit at a time. The vines need support to stay up off the ground, and give both leaves and fruit adequate exposure to sun and air for growth and ripening.


    • Grapes require a trellis from the moment that they begin vining, as the trellis aids in both training and pruning. Gardeners should build a trellis as soon as they plant their grapes.


    • Eight-foot trellis stakes should sit just behind or to the sides of the grapevines, with 8 to 10 feet between posts. This spacing gives the posts and trellis system strength for holding up the vines and fruit. Gardeners should use 8- to 11-gauge wire for the "steps" of the trellis to provide support for the vines. These steps should sit at the top of the stakes, 1 to 2 feet below that, and 1 to 2 feet below that for a three-level training system. The bottom step must be at least 2 feet off the ground.