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How to Spur Prune Grapes

Grapes native to the area around the Caspian Sea have been cultivated since before recorded history. In fact, grape seeds have been found in Bronze Age dwellings dated 3500 to 1000 B.C., according to Mark's Fruit Crops. In order for grapes to fruit well, yearly pruning of the spurs is essential. Spur pruning removes old wood that no longer fruits, allowing new growth to emerge while keeping the fruiting buds intact.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruners
  • Loppers
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      Select growth from the previous year, and space the canes 6 to 8 inches apart along the trellis. Choose canes that have an abundance of buds.

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      Cut back the canes on each vine until they have about 2 to 4 spurs per cane. Space the spurs 6 to 8 inches apart.

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      Cut off all other year-old wood. Cut the wood back to the ground with the loppers. Remove wood that grew in the shade or that has no fruit spurs.

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      Remove all the dead, damaged and diseased wood from your grape vines as it occurs during the year. Cut the canes back 2 to 3 inches beyond healthy woods.