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How to Prune Scuppernong Grapes

Scuppernong grapes are a variety of the muscadine grape. This type of grape grows in small clusters and has a silvery, amber-green color. They are a favorite grape in the Southern states and are used frequently in making pies, jellies and wine. The scuppernong grape has a musky aroma and the fruit is light and fruity in taste. Scuppernongs are disease-resistant and have a high tolerance for pests that most grape varieties cannot withstand. With proper pruning and care, this variety of grape will produce a large harvest.

Things You'll Need

  • Trellis or stakes
  • Pruning shears or a hedge clipper
  • Paper-covered wire ties
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      Prune the plant to only one stem and prune this central stem to where it only has two or three buds.

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      Allow the scuppernong grapes to grow up a trellis and tie the vine loosely onto the trellis or other stake.

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      Tie the vine up each week as it grows and continue pruning the side shoots off the plant. The goal is to force a strong central vine during the first year in order to have a good harvest.

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      Avoid pruning the scuppernong vine during its second season, as it will have reached full growth, but continue to cut the side shoots back to two or three shoots each during the dormant season. Expect fruit and flowers on the side shoots the next season after this pruning.