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Do Raspberry Bushes Have Suckers?

Raspberries are from the group of fruit referred to as brambles, or bushes that have biennial canes and perennial roots. The fruit adapts well to a range of climates. Raspberries come in black, purple, red and yellow varieties and are eaten fresh or in a number of cooked and processed forms. Raspberry bushes are among the plants that produce suckers.
  1. Definition of Suckers

    • Suckers are the very small plants that are produced from the roots of the main or mother plant. Suckers are a frequently used method of propagating new plants. These smaller plants are carefully separated from the parent plant with small portions of the root still attached. Planted in the right soil and site, these small plants develop into new raspberry bushes.

    Planting Method

    • Use raspberry suckers from healthy bushes that are at least a year old. Dig out the small plants during early spring using a sharp spade. The best time to collect suckers is during early morning, when plant tissue is turgid. Plant the small plants in an already prepared site.

      The development of new suckers around the mother plant is easily encouraged by inserting a sharp spade around the plant to cut off sections of roots. These cut-off sections eventually send up new plants that may be replanted in other locations.


    • Raspberries grow best in well-drained, moist loam preferably amended with organic matter prior to planting. Fertile soil encourages healthy root growth. Raspberry bush roots have a potential spread of up to 4 feet. The use of drip irrigation is encouraged for watering to reduced chances of fungal diseases likely to be caused by overly moist foliage, fruit and flowers.


    • Plant raspberry bushes in a well-ventilated, elevated site receiving full sun. Avoid areas of high wind. Do not plant raspberries in sites where strawberries, tomatoes, eggplants or potatoes were cultivated as this increases susceptibility to verticillium wilt disease. Plant away from other bramble fruit, as this can cause viral diseases.