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Butterfly-Friendly Fertilizers

Butterfly-friendly fertilizers are fertilizers that encourage the natural habitat of the butterflies without causing harm to the butterflies themselves. Organic fertilizers are best for the health of all organisms, as they are -- or are derived from -- those substances that occur naturally in the environment. As long as plants are healthy and blooming, the butterflies will be attracted to your garden.
  1. Compost

    • Well-composted organic material that has rotted long enough to kill any harmful organisms -- this is indicated when the "garbage" decomposes into rich, black dirt -- is the best thing you can do for your butterfly garden. As little as 1 inch of compost per year is enough to keep most soils at their best.


    • Adding a layer of mulch is also an important step that makes a garden butterfly friendly. Butterflies need a place to bask, and mulch provides a good place for that. It also fertilizes the soil as it slowly breaks down and helps trap and hold in moisture.

    Slow Release

    • If choosing a commercial fertilizer, choose a slow-release fertilizer and carefully follow package instructions. Never over-feed plants, as doing so may allow them too much nitrogen. Too much nitrogen often translates into a reduction of blooms. Without blooming plants, butterflies will travel elsewhere for nectar.


    • There are many insects that are butterfly predators. It is important that you not attempt to control butterfly predators with insecticides, as the insecticides will also kill off the butterflies. Handpicking predators is one way to keep their numbers down. Often, butterflies are able to defend themselves against their predators, and the strongest butterflies will survive. In addition to many birds and bats, predators of butterflies include dragonflies and spiders, as well as parasitic flies and wasps.