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Organic Hibiscus Fertilizers

Hibiscus are beautiful landscape plants especially suited to walkways and entryways. The large flowers slowly unfurl as the day progresses and open into wide splashes of color against the dark green leaves of the plant. As normal for plants with bountiful blossoms, they need lots of nutrients throughout the growing season to maintain good health. Although there are plenty of commercial fertilizers, there are also plenty of organic fertilizers good for hibiscus plants.
  1. Soil

    • Before adding any any organic fertilizers to your hibiscus plant, check the condition of the soil. Hibiscus prefer a soil full of organic matter slightly on the acid side with a pH of about 5.5 to 6.5 to prevent micronutrient deficiencies. Add plenty of well-decomposed plant matter into the top 12 inches of the soil or use a raised bed if your soil is heavy in clay.

    Iron and Manganese

    • Two of the elements that hibiscus tend to need a little more of than other plants are iron and manganese. Choose an organic fertilizer like well-rotted manure to correct these two micronutrients while still adding nitrogen and other elements back into the soil. Iron and manganese are part of the chlorophyll making process in the plants. If you apply the rotted manure in the fall after the growing process has stopped, it will have a chance to blend with the soil during the winter.

    Alfalfa Meal

    • Alfalfa meal is a good balanced fertilizer for hibiscus. It is often formulated as animal feed but is a good soil amendment. It adds organic material, nutrients and trace minerals that are readily available for the plants when added to moist soil. One interesting factor is the growth enhancer, trianconatol, found in the alfalfa meal that gives the hibiscus a boost.

    Commercial Products

    • Most garden centers carry organic fertilizers for customers interested in gardening more naturally. Look for a balanced formula of 10:10:10 of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Hibiscus grow well with a light fertilizer applied every six weeks with water. Check with the manufacturer's instructions for specific details.